Donate to WRPD

Inner Faith Ministries, the outreach division of the Workforce Ready Program for the Disabled, a non-profit 501(C)3 organization request your support as we approach our endeavors of community service. Our goals are:

  1. Train and support the disabled community.
  2. Perform relief actions for victims of natural disaster.
  3. Provide technical apparatus and training of those devices as related to an occupation for the disabled, worldwide.
  4. Advocate for inclusion to the workplace and general society for the disabled community.
  5. Promote entrepreneurial aspects to the disabled.
  6. Encourage spiritual, financial freedom and independence for the disabled.
  7. Support families Spiritually and financially during critical times and/or hardship that deal with disabilities.

Most of our services are provided to children and/or families with disabilities. You play the most important part as a supporter. You may support us by making a monetary tax-deductible donation.

Ways to Donate

You may donate by using the Cash App by entering the code
You may mail a check or money order. Please make payable too:
Workforce Ready Program for the Disabled (WRPD)
3800 Charlotte Dr. Rex Ga 30273

Thank you and may God bless you,
Pastor Cheryl Hodge, Co-Founder and CFO, WRPD/Inner Faith Ministries (IFM)